21 Shining Woman

本來有點 Monday Blue,不太想要開始工作。午餐時邊刷手機,不知為何突然想到,刷了下作家 Neil Gaiman 的臉書看最近動態,就看到了 Rachel Pollack 的照片,因此發現了稍早貼的那一篇 American Writer's Museum 的 Podcast 專訪。受邀來回憶 Rachel Pollack 的三位分別是漫畫/圖像小說(graphic novel)家、塔羅牌專家與小說家。

Podcast 還沒聽完,因為聽到一半我就被網站上提到的Rachel 的墳墓與牌卡圖像形似的那張照片吸引走了。

Mary K. Greer 為這集訪問提供了數張照片,其中一張是Rachel 過世後三個月,Mary 去拜訪 Rachel 的墳,意外發現墳上綠色草地與黃色土地呈現出來的圖案,跟 Rachel 創作的 The Shining Tribe 塔羅牌組的 The Shining Woman 這張牌(相當傳統 RWS 的世界牌)形象非常類似。

Marry K. Greer 在訪問裡面提到她發現草地圖案與牌卡畫面雷同的那個時刻,突然颳起了一陣風,從天空中飄下金黃色的樹葉,彷彿跳舞的金色小點點,落在她身邊。Mary 說她後來在那個園區待了一個小時,中間陸續有陣陣微風,但是都沒有落下樹葉。園區很多樹,但是她完全不知道那些金色樹葉到底是從哪棵樹落下來的。


照片內容: A photo of Pollack’s grave about three months after she died. Notice how it resembles with her Shining Woman card (The World in traditional tarot).
照片出處:American Writers Museum Podcast Epidode-42

看到這裡大受感動,我就把播放鍵按下暫停,覺得此刻聽到此專訪看到此牌,是有意義的。翻出手機上的 Shining Tarot app,一個字一個字讀完牌義,覺得深受鼓舞。

我把這張牌的牌義說明文字節錄出來,用Google 翻譯中英對照,小小修正不順之處(還是有點小卡),跟大家分享。


21 Shining Woman
She knows all the stories.
She gives shelter to turtles.
She opens her arms.
She shimmers with laughter.

21 閃亮的女人

The Fool flew towards the mountains. Instead of a place, however, his journey ends in his own perfection. He has seemingly changed sex but both the Fool and the World (to use Shining Woman's traditional title) contain male and female united. In cultures as different as the Aztecs, the Jains of India, and the medieval Jews, we find the idea of the cosmos as a single perfect being--a Goddess, or a God, or simply a human. Many myths picture a Goddess whose body breaks apart (sometimes her brothers murder her) to form all the bits and pieces of existence. In other traditions, the perfect being becomes the ultimate goal of creation.

In Kabbalah, the original cosmos broke apart, and now each of us bears the responsibility to restore it to wholeness (see the 9 of Rivers). And so, Shining Woman, the cosmos restored, follows Awakening. The traditional name for this card, the World, implies its truth--that each of us contains the universe.

She dances on one foot, her posture recalling the Hanged Woman (21 is 12 reversed). She holds out her arms joyously, one hand dark, for unconscious life energy, the other bright, for perfect awareness. Her arms bear double headed snakes, symbol of a unified consciousness, and the esoteric idea that matter ascends to consciousness just as consciousness descends to matter. The bird of instinct, which the Fool followed as something outside the self, now appears above the heart. The double spirals on her breasts derive from the path the Sun takes through the course of a year (for information on this pattern, see The Stars and the Stones by Martin Brennan, or my own book The Body of the Goddess). They also signify evolution, and further, the many spiritual traditions, prehistoric and living, which have taken the spiral as a symbol of life.
她用一隻腳跳舞,她的姿勢讓人想起倒吊的女人(21 是 12 顛倒的)。她高興地伸出雙臂,一隻手掌是深色的,代表無意識的生命能量,另一隻手是明亮的,代表完美的意識。她的手臂上有雙頭蛇,象徵合一的意識,以及物質上升到意識就像意識下降到物質的神秘學思維。愚者所追隨的本能之鳥,作為自我以外的東西,現在出現在心臟上。她乳房上的雙螺旋源自太陽在一年中所經過的路徑(有關此模式的信息,請參閱 Stars and Stones by Martin Brennan,或我的書《女神的身體》)。它們也像徵著進化,更進一步,象徵許多精神傳統,無論是史前的還是現存的,它們都將螺旋作為生命的象徵。

The images of myth appear within her body, for the cosmos contains the imagination as well as the material universe. We see the fish, creature of the soul, and the turtle, slow moving symbol of the world's endurance. And we see stone circles, and tombs. The form on the bottom recalls both prehistoric stone formations and the Christian cross.

In Awakening we saw the illusory opposites of male and female join together to create a new being, a child. Tarot tradition often describes card 21, the World, as an hermaphrodite, having both male and female organs. On Shining Woman we see a phallic Tree of Life rising from the female vulva, which itself joins light and darkness. The androgynous Fool suggests potential development in all directions. The hermaphrodite symbolizes fulfillment.

She dances in a void. Beyond her, beyond the emptiness pulsing with her own light, we see waves of energy. They fill the four corners of the card. They symbolize the inexpressible mystery beyond even the totality of Shining Woman. Now move your attention away from the woman herself, or the energy lines, to the white space between them. Notice how the whiteness also forms an image of a dancing figure with its arms out (this may be easier to see if you hold the card away from you and do not focus on the woman). This blank form may carry the true meaning of perfection.

Divinatory meanings: Success in whatever you attempt. Wholeness, recognition of your own power, recognition of the sacred roots of your own being.

Reversed: Denying your own power, accepting less than what is possible for you. Stagnation, but also structure. A promise of success when you are ready to accept it.

