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藥草生活基礎 第五課 擦劑 Liniments

擦劑十分類似台灣國術館的「藥洗」,是一種塗在皮膚上的外用製劑,製作方式是將藥草浸泡在消毒酒精中,萃取活性成分製成酊劑,再拿來塗抹皮膚。擦劑通常用來緩解疼痛,像是肌肉痠痛、拉傷、關節炎等,而且含有刺激性的芳香化合物,例如水楊酸甲酯、安息香、薄荷醇和辣椒素這一類的成分。 圖片說明: ...

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

聽講筆記 13 - Folk Medicine in Today's World

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記之十三



主題:Folk Medicine in Today's World
主講:Phyllis D. Light

In this session, Phyllis D. Light talks about the role that folk medicine plays in helping to heal the chronic illnesses of today through plant medicines that address the mind, body, and spirit. She also shares how geography and place impact folk healing techniques, how we can save those techniques for future generations, and how we can bridge folk medicine and science to our best benefit. In This Session You'll Discover:

  • What is folk medicine?
  • How is folk medicine connected to place?
  • How can folk medicine and science work together for the benefit of all?

  • coming from a oral tradition. 祖母、父親都種植藥草,從小學習。長大後在學校學習 health studies, 從 phytochemical 方向去瞭解植物,有時印證傳統用法,有時則是發現新用法,擔任傳統與實證之間的橋樑。
  • 父親、祖母年代大家都很窮,沒有醫療保險,因此只有到「快要死了」才會去找醫生,其他時間都是藥草。但時代改變,現代人有醫療保險,有速食有現代人的代謝疾病,每個人都吃很多種藥物控制各種疾病。那藥草要如何運用?
  • Katrina 颶風之後,在醫院擔任整合醫療中心 integritive clinic 的主任,負責藥草醫學方向的服務。醫生有MD訓練,那藥草可以如何輔助。
  • Who are your people? What's your place? Where are you from? Land is a great influence into methylation and epigenetics. 遺傳表徵,飲食習慣。
  • I used to think that we're moving a lot more. We're not. We're just moving faster. 種族遷徙在歷史上不是新鮮事,但以前比較慢,身體比較有時間適應。人移動得快,,病毒,也移動得快。
  • spirit dosing。
  • COVID造成大家速度變慢,關照環境關照自己。人類變慢,地球也喘息。但是人類變得焦慮,展現外顯成為焦慮或憤怒。some times fear presents as .要怎麼釋放掉那個恐懼。
  • to lower that stress level, my favorite is ethically wildcrafted American ginseng. 野生的比較好,因為植物經歷過環境 distress 產生次級代謝物,保護自己。我們取用植物,也因此受惠。花旗參泡酊劑,每天1-2滴就好,that's a spirit dose。
  • 野生環境的 passionflower tinctured in the field. 有些揮發性物質5小時候就會不見,所以必須現場製作。摘下來,拍掉灰塵放在罐子裡加入酒精。取用4-5滴,喝了就會知道,百香果花酊劑會帶你啟程。兒時學習到的,passionflower 酊劑特別適合處理與朋友和鄰居之間的關係。鮮花泡茶也可以。可能是 Cherokees 的傳統。類似 kava kava 在原生的島嶼上的功能,maintain the peace。passionflower tea 有時會跟 cornmeal 混在一起變濃稠,坐下來一起喝,把話講開。
  • 師承 Tommie Bass,地方的herbalist,他稱之為 swallers。沒有車,沒有室內廁所,有電,有一支電話。非常 country herbalist。
  • ethically wildcrafted 花旗參,美國藥草界大家推薦不要用,因為瀕臨絕種,但是每年同時又大量出口到香港,所以其實並沒有想像的那麼糟。 ethically wildcrafted 的意思是先確認植物有種籽,收耔播種之後,才採收。 自用去野外採收而非要出口,可以挖出來,折下取用一半,種回另一半。商用的就必須是整株。replant。know your grower。
  • 最近用了很多 blue vervain 長得非常好。另一個是 evening primrose 也四處長。sumac, elderberry。自然界/環境中突然長出很多的,在人的精神、心靈、情緒和身體層次,可以提供協助,我們此刻需要。tinctured blue vervain leaf, flower,也有泡油。去年大長,兩年生植物,所以明年會再回來,表示明年我們會需要用到。blue vervain 降血壓,放慢心跳。COVID使很多人血壓上升,很好用。但本來血壓低的人就不要用。可處理焦慮心跳加速症狀。可以passionflower 和花旗參搭著一起。美印第安人說這是 journey herb,帶你去「他處」,睡前(作夢)或者冥想的時候用。
  • 現代藥草學的困境:網路搜尋什麼症狀可以用什麼藥草,落入對抗醫學思維,網路文章也限縮了 materia medica 的多樣性。展望未來:i want to see integrative mediicine, 對抗與全人結合一起工作、平衡。
  • Food is your foundation. Eat and supply yourself with basic nutrients. 藥草可以幫助,但基本功要做。
Phyllis D. Light

Herbalist, Author, Founder of Appalachian Center for Natural Health
Phyllis D. Light, MA, is a fourth generation folk herbalist in practice for over 25 years. She is a professional member of the AHG and has a MA in Health Studies from the University of Alabama. She is a bridge between tradition and science and desires to save traditional healing methods for the future.



Wednesday, October 6, 2021

聽講筆記 12 - Digestive Vitality and Health

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之十二
The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。



主題:Digestive Vitality and Health
主講:Thomas Easley RH (AHG)

Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, is widely credited with saying “all disease begins in the gut.” Take a deep dive with Thomas Easley, RN (AHG) as he shows how vitally important the digestive system is to overall health, because it's where we take our environment in to us to eventually become more us.
In This Session You'll Discover:
  • The physiology of the gut
  • The gut's role in building health
  • Herbs and herbal actions to support digestive vitality
  • gut health and digestive issues 是herbalist很重要的一環。
  • gut is essential/foundation of human health. 你不能選擇要不要呼吸,但你可以選擇吃什麼東西進來。我們選擇要放哪些外面的東西進來身體裡面。吃進來變成自己的一部份。
  • gut problem 跟 nutrient deficiency 之間有關連
  • bacteria/fungi in your gut 一起工作。microbiome is one of the major training ground of our immune system. can't get to full development of T cells in a sterile gut (animal studies have shown.) an entire branch of our adaptive immune system is dependent upon cytokines release from the interaction between our microbiota and your immune system.
  • 腸道菌叢+營養素+神經系統+免疫系統,關係密切。非單向,而是多個雙向交錯連結,互相連結。
  • 火 digestive fire: the process of consumption, as the breakdown of food into base components
  • 水 process of fluid (mucosa, movement of nutrients).
  • 風 process of air: neurological coordination of all the actions
  • 土 earth element, the structure element as the actual physical cells and barriers
  • 身體組織是土元素,當中承載火、水、風等元素。
  • 藥草可以同時輔助多種元素。例如 bitter herbs,吃起來苦,因為味蕾嚐到苦味,往下進入體內,經過肺臟進入消化道,體內組織也有各種受器,消化道內有類似 bitter receptors,讓消化過程變慢,消化比較完整。the digestive phase is predominantly where you get hydrochloric acid released from the gastric parietal cells, and you get pepsinogen release, which is then turned into pepsin because of the hydrochloric acid. 蛋白質與有害物質一起進入人體,但如果吃bitters消化速度變慢,增加胃酸分泌,等完整消化完畢,才會進入膽汁分泌與其他酵素釋放的過程。bitters 支援的是消化道的火。Thomas 最喜歡的是他自己有種植的 arugula, radicchio, dandelion, orange peel 等都很有效。
  • aromatics, 驅風(消脹氣)類型的藥草對消化系統的神經有強烈作用,食物進入十二指腸之後,大腦(中樞)神經系統失去控制,交給 enteric nervous system(自律神經系統的一部份)。苦中帶香氣的藥物,功能也多重,例如歐白芷 angelica,苦味的刺激,又可改善腸道神經的控制。
  • Demulcent類型藥草,支援「水」元素相關的功能,照顧黏膜與黏液的部分。
  • earth element 的藥草,triphala 經典的阿育吠陀藥草,功效獨特。
  • 所以照顧腸胃道,選擇苦味藥草與驅風藥草,再考量管理「水」相關的藥草就很全面。
  • 有腸胃問題的個案進來,你的流程是什麼?從消化生理學途徑+功能拆解去找。例如個案進來說吃含澱粉餐後一小時就會脹氣,生理學上食物需要4小時能穿過離開胃,水很快,澱粉1小時,所以症狀與澱粉的次級分解物有關。所以要看唾液功能分泌正常否,口腔健康嗎,吃飯速度很快嗎?吃的澱粉類食物是要組嚼的還是用喝的。澱粉在胃裡面經過初步消化接下來進入十二指腸,有胰液的協助繼續消化,那個案有沒有什麼胰液/胰臟相關不足的症狀。蠕動peristalsis 的時間看起來如何?因為澱粉消化時間一小時,那個部分的小腸不太可能有什麼細菌相關的問題,pathology paradigm 例如功能醫學可能直直接跳過這些,覺得看起來類似小腸細菌過度滋生的問題,直接做 hydrogen-methane 呼氣測試。但這樣可能忽略消化過程中的其他問題。
  • building health vs. treating disease,兩者都很重要。但很容易把焦點放在疾病處理上面
  • 如果有明顯的病理徵兆,這樣處理沒有問題,而且很有效率,尤其是急性症狀。
  • What are your favorite plants to treat the gut? 我偏好使用具有雙重功能的藥草,直接或間接調節腸道的 nervines類型。 wood betony to strengthen the enteric nervous system. Stachys(水蘇屬植物), not Pedicularis(馬先蒿)。很少人知道但是對腸道非常好。.泡茶很好喝,製作酊劑、水性的萃取,甘油萃取。很適合作為腸道處理基礎。
  • Catnip,含有 valerenic acid,消脹氣。抗痙攣,乾燥的過程氣味揮發很快,所以如果正在痙攣的話,新鮮的比較有效。
  • 薰衣草對腸道非常好,是很好的 bitter植物。苦味適合腸道,芳香分子也作用在調節腸道的神經上,affect circulation to the villi and microvilli。透過促循環幫助「袪風」,腸道內的氣體透過身體循環排出。a single plant as a synergy:單一藥草薰衣草就可以達到三個功能:苦藥、袪風、神經調理(促循環)。
  • 喝完茶後,要繼續觀察幾個小時,一天,感覺對身體產生什麼影響。
  • gentle doesn't mean weak.
  • 長期用溫和藥效的藥草,效果會比高劑量短期使用來得好。
  • leaky gut syndrome,每個人都有,某種程度的 permeability,讓東西流到淋巴管裡面,但要有選擇性。
  • enterocytes 腸細胞之間有門是一種類似賀爾蒙的胜肽叫做 zonulin,每個人身體都會製造,但有人過量。有 celiac disease 的人,體內 zonulin 濃度比較高,腸道發炎的人,還有IBS的人也是。Vitamin D deficiency can lead to tight junction dysfunction in the gut. that and elevated zonulin levels,這些都是小腸 hyperpermeability 的主要原因。也有可能是腸細胞本身就受損,所以細胞間溝通路徑也被破壞。長期服用 NSAIDS,類固醇或酒精的人。想成像是身體內部被曬傷的感覺。跟處理皮膚曬傷一樣用 demulcents and vulneraries 來處理。不用藥不喝酒的人也有可能發生,原因可能是壓力、長期疼痛、例如燒傷病患,也容易有小腸穿透性的問題。用 marshmallow, plantain and calendula,結合 demulcent 和 vulneraries 一起來處理。但每個人的症狀/冤因不同,有些人可能需要增加 digestive fire,可能需要腸神經功能調節。把整個生理流程解析釐清找出問題點。
  • Intake 時問的那些問題很重要,可以告訴我們很多事情。
  • i think for much of human history, everybody was an herbalist. every home had their favorite remedies. Family Herbalism.如果教育可以朝向讓人對身體的理解比較偏向 holistic viewpoint,從家庭開始的藥草醫學。小病不用找herbalist,家裡有洋蔥就做點洋蔥糖漿、百里香蒸氣浴或泡茶喝。如果發燒超過105度了,那趕快去醫院看醫生。其許多一些人都能理解自己的身體如何運作,知道自己可以如何照顧自己。希望社區可以有藥草師,也知道自己的能力跟侷限,知道如何處理個案,也知道何時要轉介醫院。layers of public health, home, community support, community clinician.等等。

Thomas Easley RH (AHG)
Director of the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine, Clinician, Author, Teacher

Thomas Easley, RH (AHG) is a functional herbalist. In 2010 Thomas founded the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine, offering online classes and live classes at Wellspring Mountain, North Carolina, a 500-acre botanical sancturary. He keeps his clinical skills sharp by reviewing all of the cases for his school’s free clinic, and maintains an active part-time private practice. In 2017 Thomas coined the term functional herbalism, to describe his unique client-centered approach integrating traditional Western herbalism, clinical nutrition and functional medicine. Thomas is the co-author of The Modern Herbal Dispensatory... A Medicine Making Guide... and Modern Herbal Medicine.



聽講筆記 11 - Flower as Friends

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之十一 

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。 


主題:Flowers as Friends 
主講:Maryam Hasnaa At-Tauhidi 

Maryam Hasnaa teaches us how cultivating a relationship with plants and flowers can assist us with the personal growth of our mind, body, and spirit. Working with plant teachers and the flower kingdom as allies can strengthen our awareness and allow for greater support into the powerful healing that comes from Mother Earth. In This Session You'll Discover: Plant medicine is one of the most ancient ways to awaken the wisdom of the body that by cultivating a relationship with plant medicines, we begin to build our knowledge of the energetic signatures of herbs, as well as their physical qualities Moving with integrity and respect for the plants is an important aspect of this work 

  • 在身體外圍想像一圈植物做為疆界 HSP 的人不只是吸別人的能量,也會流失自己的能量。建立能量場的界線,not so much as keeping out, but how do i fill this field with me, myself. 
  • roses 
  • Golden yarrow
  • bleeding heart 
  • red clover 
  • 某日應朋友之邀出遊,停車停在 angel's trumpet 下方,收訊: we need to get better at dying. 
  • 不用大老遠去購買飄洋過海才能寄來的花精或藥草,找自己鄰近的植物,sit with it and receive, resonate. 

講者介紹 Maryam Hasnaa At-Tauhidi
Energy Worker, Healer, Flower Priestess Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Maryam Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. An initiated priestess, Epenergy worker, medicine woman and flower practitioner, she has found her calling in offering training and mentorship for those with the trait of high sensitivity. She is highly intuitive and a lover of all things that create a feeling of being connected to something bigger than ourselves. Maryam remembers being highly sensitive long before she truly realized this as a gift. Just like most highly sensitives, she has a heightened nervous system which picks up subtle layers of sensory information that many others do not. Maryam began to understand how to thrive in the world as a sensitive through developing radical self care, wellness and spiritual practices. She has been a consultant for years now, helping educate others on how to do the same. Her passion is curating experiences where people can train their nervous system to feel safe exploring sensing and feeling as a form of intelligence. Maryam uses her own highly sensitive gifts to remind other beings of the energetic nature of this universe. She has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. Maryam has synthesized ancient teachings along with cutting edge information to create a unique system of healing for those on the path of liberation. This is done in a way that will awaken wholeness and create deep transformation. Through shining her light so brightly her intention is that others will see themselves reflected and do the same.



聽講筆記 10 - Keeping House: Ancestral Home Centered Plant Wisdom

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之十

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。



主題:Keeping House: Ancestral Home Centered Plant Wisdom

主講:Mary Ayodele
In the context of African culture, "keeping house" refers to a dynamic relational approach to multiple lifeforms, including humans, spirits, and plants for the purpose of creating and sustaining good health for the whole person. In this session, Mary Ayodele will explore the way that plants are at the center of a healthy household for us and our Ancestors and how plants can help us to reclaim our Ancestral traditions.

In This Session You'll Discover:
What keeping house meant to our Ancestors and what it means now
The importance of flowers, spiritual healing, and emotional balance
Two simple steps to infuse home cooking and herbal medicine making with Ancestral wisdom

Keeping House 自我空間能量的維持/清理。「家管」的工作非常重要、spiritual, emotional, and physical 都很重要。不是只有做家事而已,而是維持家中這個安全的堡壘,大家回來都可以安心放鬆的神聖空間。
keeping house 也是維持自己內心的神聖空間,即使沒有固定的居家空間,也能夠在有限的資源內創造出安定的空間。預先察覺即將惡化的狀況,提前預防。運用植物來協助 housekeeping 的工作。
ancestral 的意思,回看至少到 1940,甚至1800-1920期間的非洲裔女性在「家」裡面扮演的角色。回頭看100年前就好,那個年代的女性在維持家的空間所運用的智慧與方法。late 1800s, early 1900s。
one big meal a week: 每天與植物的關係,日常可以看到植物,大餐時用植物(香草、香料)加入到料理中。
生病的時候就會用新鮮植物來做藥物,浸泡在油裡面 tallow牛油。用尤加利和其他 herbal mixture (一種類似薄荷的植物,還有 spanish moss)泡在牛油裡面,家中女性圍繞陪伴,確定患者逐漸恢復。現代醫學版的就是類似 vicks vapor rub。(尤其是這些女性很多人都經歷過 spanish flu,有人感冒胸腔不舒服,會被當成大事來處理。)
另一個非裔常用的植物 Bay leaf。有不同品種,在不同文化中都被運用。在gumbo裡面會加,pork chop裡面,在非裔文化裡面有豐足的靈性意義。bay leaf 要願意借出給有需求的鄰居,才具有靈性效益。聞到你家廚房香氣,表示你有廚藝,也願意分享。也可以放在門口踏墊底下,歡迎豐盛入門。也有sedative的功效。自己去實驗,如何與bay leaf 連結。
睡覺或處理個案,或任何日常生活,選用自然的纖維(亞麻、棉布),可以幫助 cycle through 行走人間吸收到的不想要的能量。
Bring flowers into your life. 支援情緒與精神。Learn the flower of your birth month. 把手機背景設成花朵圖片。native flower from your parents' country (if US immigrant). 買切花,或者買回來種花,都很好。
Make a kitchen garden. 只要三盆也沒問題,claim the space. live and work with the plants. 感謝植物照顧自己與家人。
charmed cake 帶著祝福心念烤一個蛋糕,邀請鄰居、朋友、社區,分享。而不是以herbalist 身份邀請大家來分享,討論 tinctures 如何治病。而是吃了蛋糕大家都很開心。把植物加到你的蛋糕裡面。例如 lavender icing,享受大家的幸福笑容。烤 muffin 也很好。preferably something you have to share.communal ane enchanting.

Victory gardens 社區花園,把社區空地改造成種植可以吃的植物,養雞、養蜂。小型社區,根植在社區裡面。covid 導致大家待在家裡,因此開始注意到自己的環境,開始種植物。it's best to prevent something than to cure it. Stay well rather than finding a cure. 期待這個運動可以開始往這個方向前進、stop owning the trauman, stop owning the ptsd,start releasing the pain. 往療癒的方向前進。
Share your cake.

Mary Ayodele
Prophetess & Community Herbalist
Mary Ayodele is a prophetess and a community herbalist. As foundress of the Institute of Africana Cosmology, she preserves and teaches Africana healing wisdom in conferences, classes, and consultations globally. Mary's training in plant-based healing began in her Grandma's garden as a little tot of about two or three years old and continued around the world as an initiate and scholar in West and Central African spiritual traditions.
Mary has presented Africana herbal workshops at Herbalismo, The International Herb Symposium, and the Moonflower Herb Fest. Mary is a featured contributor in the psychology textbook Root Psychology: A Diverse Assessment regarding the intersection of healing and gardening in the Africana diaspora and several other publications and radio shows.


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

〈課程預告〉西洋藥草學 Home Herbalist 線上課程

 醞釀很久,課綱也擺在硬碟裡面很久,總算騰出時間來。也因為這幾日更深入浸淫在藥草學研討會的氛圍裡面,自覺受益良多,更想要推廣這些居家運用藥草的概念。所以,阿娥想要來開一堂西洋藥草學的入門 #線上課程。一方面是疫情影響,宅得有點習慣,如果不出門,在家裡就可以上課,老師方便,學生也省事。

Day 1 藥草療癒概論 introduction
Day 2 藥草製劑入門 preparations
Day 3 藥草運用 fresh and dry
Day 4 藥草萃取 tincture and decoction
Day 5 製劑的方法 applications
Day 6 配方與劑量 dosage
Day 7 常用藥草(一)sigle herbs
Day 8 常用藥草(二)single herbs
Day 9 藥草日常運用與展望 exchange, daily routine and future
有興趣的朋友,請把週二晚上8-10點這個時段空下來,等我寫好完整課綱與報名網頁。費用大概是 $3000 上下。會用 Webex 平台上課。


--- update ---

Sunday, October 3, 2021

聽講筆記 9 - Spice Markets of the World: How They Can Transform the Future of Healthcare

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之九

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。



主題:Spice Markets of the World: How They Can Transform the Future of Healthcare
主講:Bevin Clare
Medicinal spices of the world are the past and future of herbal medicine. Our collective healthcare can be affordable for all and delicious when we integrate powdered herbs into our diet. Join President of the American Herbalist Guild and global travel nutritionist Bevin Clare to explore ancient secrets for modern ailments.
In This Session You'll Discover:
  • Spices are powerful therapeutics for some of the most difficult and widespread illnesses in North America
  • A spice case study for chronic illness, healed with medicinal fudge
  • Traveling to traditional cultures shows us healthcare can be pleasurable when it's based on kitchen spices

  • 年輕時在東南亞很多地方旅行,累積對很多藥草運用的經驗,看見不同文化對待與運用藥草的方式。
  • 美國很多藥草,但都包裝的好好的在架子上,避光、低溫保存,因此聞不到香氣。其他文化中很多藥草/香料販售方式是可以觸摸嗅聞的,感官上相對直接很多。
  • saffrons 支援神經系統,輕微憂鬱症,小劑量就有效果。
  • turmeric,很受歡迎,生物利用率並不好,生技公司想盡辦法作膠囊讓他更有效,但只要飲食中結合 heat and oil,例如吃印度咖哩,結合黑胡椒,就會把藥性突顯出來容易吸收。turmeric fudge 食譜。結合薑黃粉、黑胡椒或卡宴胡椒與椰子油、黑巧克力,降溫之後,變成很像 fudge 的質地。做成棒棒糖。
  • turmeric help with inflammation, help with supporting a healthy heart, immunomodulating effects.
  • 有些藥草適合 tincture 但價格可能就相對高,有些很適合磨粉,尤其是香料,價格降低且攜帶方便
  • ashwagandha, reishi, burdock, dandelion, licorice 都是常用的藥草但對不熟悉藥草的人仍算是少見。 肉桂、薑、薑黃、孜然粉打成粉後都還可以輕鬆運用。常見香料裡面 peppermint, ginger, cinnamon, garlic 加起來就很多元的療效,也很便宜,又好吃。身體嚐到香氣,身體也會記得那些香料帶來的好處。
  • 香料在身體內移動的速度也快速。
  • 香料融入 allopathic medicine 比較無痛,接受度比較高。
  • 香料帶來的香氣。滿足。飽足感。具有藥效,但沒有「吃藥」帶來的負面感受。
  • 很多人都有阿嬤料理運用香料的記憶,但大部分人不會把香料跟醫療聯想在一起。南亞、東南亞米飯裡面就加了香料。
  • Cinnamon urban spice compote 煮熟的糖漬水果, a type of sauce.stone fruits (核果) like apples, eaches, pears, plums.加入各種香料,這些水果對腸道很好,在裡面加入肉桂、薑、小荳蔻、幫助整腸住消化。例如吃抗生素一段時間的人,腸胃道不加,可以吃一些compote.
  • https://blog.mountainroseherbs.com/homemade-fruit-compote-with-herbs-and-spices
  • (題外話)我有買 Bevin Clare 的 Spice Apothecary 裡面有很多有趣的吃香料的食譜。

Bevin Clare
Herbalist, Nutritionist and Professor

Bevin Clare is professor at the Maryland University of Integrative Health and the program director of the MS in clinical herbal medicine program. She holds an MSc in infectious disease from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and has studied herbal medicine around the world, blending her knowledge of traditional uses of plants with modern science and contemporary healthcare strategies. She is the author of Spice Apothecary. Bevin enjoys interacting with her students online as she wanders the globe with her two kids. Bevin is the current chair of the board of the American Herbalists Guild where she works to promote clinical herbalism accessibility and professionalism. In the fall of 2021 she will launch the Ready to Roam program which helps individuals plan and realize culturally rich travel experiences. You can find her musings on Facebook and Instagram @spice.herb.wander.



聽講筆記 8 - Ancient Herbs for Higher Consciousness

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之八
The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。


主題:Ancient Herbs for Higher Consciousness
主講:Adriana Ayales
In this session, Adriana Ayales discusses powerful spiritual herbs and plants that have been used for millennia to activate higher awareness, intuitive abilities and deep healing on every level—mental, emotional, energetic and beyond. These plants have been used by monks, yogis and shamans to assist meditation, prolonged states of concentration and to boost brain abilities.
In This Session You'll Discover:
  • Folk and spiritual uses of featured herbs
  • Historical accounts of how these herbs have been used
  • Herbs to assist meditation practice, focused attention and cognition

  • enhanced perception 透過藥草的協助,幫助人的心 進入 higher consciousness
  • heart intelligent
  • 有很多藥草可以協助人進入那個 beyond的狀態,一般日常植物例如薰衣草也同樣具有力量
  • 不同的醫療傳統裡面都有類似的,「打開心輪/心脈 heart space」的植物。subconscious awareness of the plant 聽起來很 supernatural,所以會有很多不同的詮釋方式,表達方式。
  • 植物具有改變意識的力量,是否必須一定要在 spiritual setting 才能達成,還是開車塞在路上喝下去也會有感覺?植物的力量,作用在人體體內的生化/神經傳導物質level,有很多科學的證據可以支持,特定植物裡面的活性成分,可以改變人體的神經傳導物質或賀爾蒙內分泌的增加或降低。但個案如果沒有花心思注意,或知道如何觀察(連結)這些細微的改變,喝了茶之後可能覺得毫無感覺,只是覺得,嗯我今天過得還蠻愉快的,如此而已。但這可能就是體內這些化學/神經傳導物質的作用。The determining factor is how aware and how receptive we are.
  • 中醫藥裡面調「神」的藥物 Shen tonic,spiritually nourishing medicine,調節的是心,是神經系統,在副交感神經上的作用,讓人放鬆、快樂、想睡覺、覺得滿足等等。其實調節到的就是 spiritual heart 的部分。用了藥之後你的感覺是感覺比較能夠信任,感覺安全。這些都是很個人,依個案而定的感受。
  • Reishi 靈芝,是 adaptogenic, works straight into the HPA axis 還有 limbic brain上,吃了之後感覺是快樂與放鬆。科學觀點看,作用在免疫系統,還有肺與呼吸道上。修行者透過靈芝的協助,也比較容易進入高意識層次,協助呼吸練習,喝靈芝茶達到神經系統安定的作用。煮茶、細粉、或tincture形式飲用,重點:要 break down the cell wll of reishi。
  • Gotu kola, Centella asiatica,(雷公根/積雪草/蚶殼草)跟 Brahmi 假馬齒莧 , Bacopa monnieri 很接近,adaptogen。兩種不一樣的植物,共同點是很容易種植。新鮮打汁直接喝,大腦感覺 electrifying。傳說中中國藥草學家李清源(?)先生活到256歲,就是每天喝(Claire 查資料,應該是指李清雲,但維基資料寫的是喝枸杞煮茶喝)。從照顧皮膚(回春),到大腦輔助功能都很好。(太多了來不及寫)協助在冥想時更容易進入狀態,早晨起喝精神飽滿。(中醫學裡面講精氣神,雷公根是一個讓人覺得很有精神的藥草。)Adriana 說與她合作的中醫師的建議,前一晚就將雷公根泡在保溫瓶內,睡醒時立即喝,可以幫助記得前一晚的清明夢。
  • Nootropics , 另一個常用的中美洲藥草 mucuna 油麻藤,豆子很有營養價值,很會長。中美洲煮豆子湯,早晨當咖啡黑,登山越野也只帶這個湯帶著喝,不需要進食。覺得自己像是在身體之外,stimulating and fiery。(Mucuna Dopa™ 使用油麻藤種子的有效提取物,有助於大腦功能、性趣和支援肌肉生長。油麻藤含有高濃度的左旋多巴,這是一種神經遞質,能促進積極的精神狀態和自信。Source Naturals 油麻藤左旋多巴補充劑,100 毫克,素食膠囊。)含有很多 L-Dopa,1顆豆子就含有很多的量、domapine 的前驅物質。獎賞的化學物質,快樂滿足感, mucuna 可以提供。馬雅人把 mucuna和 cacao 混合著一起使用。也有altered consciousness state 的效果。
  • Cacao,可以當時物也可以是醒神的藥。馬雅人認為是 tree of life,很多祈禱儀式,透過可可豆萃取汁、砲酊劑、磨粉等等,可以得到另世界 spirit world來的智慧。果夾從樹幹上直接長出來,種籽可以直接吃,可以做巧克力等等。馬雅文化的繪畫裡面,常常可見從心臟裡面長出可可樹,根部深植交錯在心臟內,往上一直長到 upperworld。Cacao is seen as an avenue for that heart intelligence into the higher planes. 可可豆品種很多,要慎選,挑到種植方法跟沒有虐待、剝削的來源。
  • 最後再介紹一個雨林植物 bobinsana, Calliandra angustifolia,長相看起來很像合歡(傳統中醫 albizia julibrissin),有類似死藤水的成分,但比較弱 。對heartbreak, heart grief, disappointment, trauma, PTSD等,恢復心靈。實證醫學研究認為可治療類風濕關節炎的痠痛、疼痛,各種身體僵硬/硬化的疼痛。骨骼─肌肉的神經調理。藥效溫和。bark, leaf and flower decoction. 秘魯亞馬遜的原住民 Shipibo-Conibo 用根來處理類風溼性關節炎,關節疼痛、痠痛。中南美洲許多部落多視之為神聖植物。
  • 長得很像的 合歡 The Albizia,也是「神」調理藥物,處理心、調節神經。在失去信仰的時候,兩種植物都有類似的效果。

  • blue lotus 讓人進入快樂、放鬆、冷靜的狀態。

Adriana Ayales
Herbalist, Writer & Founder of Anima Mundi Herbals

Adriana Ayales is an author, educator, and rainforest herbalist from Costa Rica. She has extensively studied several healing traditions alongside master herbalists and Indigenous medicine peoples for more than a dozen years. From a young age, she was immersed in the fields of healing and herbalism, and devoted herself to learning from different ancient herbal traditions.
Adriana founded Anima Mundi, a successful apothecary and herbal medicine facility in Brooklyn, New York, that crafts medicines sourced from Indigenous peoples, wildcrafters, and honest farmers from around the world. Adriana, who has written two books, Healing Tonics and Adaptogens: Herbs for Longevity and Everyday Wellness, currently resides in Costa Rica, where she was born and raised.



聽講筆記 7 - Upvibes and Downvibes: Plant Medicine and the Balanced Nervous System

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之七

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。


主題:Upvibes and Downvibes: Plant Medicine and the Balanced Nervous System

主講:Katie Silcox
Nervous system resiliency, self-love attachment and universal belonging are required for a joyful life and true spiritual awakening. In this session, Katie Silcox will discuss how to deeply release and balance our nervous systems in a world that so often takes us into states of fight, flight or freeze through plant medicine and experiential, body-based practices.
In This Session You'll Discover:
  • An overview of nervous system basics including tonification of the all-important vagal nerve
  • Plant medicine from the Ayurvedic and western pharmacopeia that support releasing long-held nervous system patterns, increasing resiliency and tonifying the vagus
  • Embodied techniques to use in conjunction with herbal support for releasing unneeded fight, flight, or freeze - you will leave this course with at least 5 methods
  • 很好聽。沒有時間紀錄。講者是瑜珈與 ayuvedic 醫學的老師,講了不少情緒創傷與關照自己身體,釋放/喚醒副交感神經的方法。只有簡單記了幾個點
  • fight, flight, freeze and fawn:尤其是後面這兩個,freeze and fawn,憂鬱症,與自我貶低
  • 照顧別人的時候要記得照顧自己。下大雪的日子,你要送小孩出門之前,你會給小孩先吃點什麼?那你自己呢?很多媽媽會回答,熱熱暖暖的 oatmeal跟其他很暖心營養的食物,自己則是在送小孩上學的車上塞幾顆杏仁。
  • 遇到你覺得必須犧牲或改變自己才能與對方「匹配」的對象,請立刻往反方向離開。

Katie Silcox
Spiritual Educator and Bestselling Ayurveda Author

Katie Silcox, MA, is the New York Times bestselling author of Healthy Happy Sexy: Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women, which has been translated into multiple languages around the globe. Holding a master’s in Hinduism and the Ayurveda Sciences, Katie is an internationally recognized teacher, Ayurvedic educator, mentor to women, and inspirer of hearts and minds. She is renowned for her depth of study and her ability to present the complexities of ancient wisdom in a practical, life-affirming manner, as well as for her unique capacity to distill the teachings with “Southern belle” humor and grace.
Her signature teaching style includes somatic movement, restorative yoga, dance, sound, breath, emotion processing, manifestation technology, holistic biomechanics, and structural trauma-release methods. Lively, outspoken, and sassy, Katie has studied medicine with Tibetan amchis in Ladakh, whirled with Sufis in Goa, crunched numbers with M.I.T. stock market predictors in the south of Spain, seen visions with shamans in Morocco, and taught Fortune 500 CEOs how to heal their bodies in Mexico.
Katie was named one of San Francisco’s Best Yoga Teachers by Common Ground magazine, one of 70 Yogis Changing the World by Origin magazine, and one of 100 Trailblazers in Yoga and Ayurveda by Spirituality & Health magazine. Katie has written extensively on the topics of yoga, Ayurveda, sexuality, herbalism, and women’s health in such publications as Yoga Journal, Common Ground, and Origin.
Katie has sipped from the honey of many globally known teachers, including a decade-long guru-disciple initiation into the Himalayan lineage-based Sri Vidya Tantra. Today, she works solely with the inner guru of her own heart and is a dedicated student of spirituality.

