聽講筆記 9 - Spice Markets of the World: How They Can Transform the Future of Healthcare

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之九

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。



主題:Spice Markets of the World: How They Can Transform the Future of Healthcare
主講:Bevin Clare
Medicinal spices of the world are the past and future of herbal medicine. Our collective healthcare can be affordable for all and delicious when we integrate powdered herbs into our diet. Join President of the American Herbalist Guild and global travel nutritionist Bevin Clare to explore ancient secrets for modern ailments.
In This Session You'll Discover:
  • Spices are powerful therapeutics for some of the most difficult and widespread illnesses in North America
  • A spice case study for chronic illness, healed with medicinal fudge
  • Traveling to traditional cultures shows us healthcare can be pleasurable when it's based on kitchen spices

  • 年輕時在東南亞很多地方旅行,累積對很多藥草運用的經驗,看見不同文化對待與運用藥草的方式。
  • 美國很多藥草,但都包裝的好好的在架子上,避光、低溫保存,因此聞不到香氣。其他文化中很多藥草/香料販售方式是可以觸摸嗅聞的,感官上相對直接很多。
  • saffrons 支援神經系統,輕微憂鬱症,小劑量就有效果。
  • turmeric,很受歡迎,生物利用率並不好,生技公司想盡辦法作膠囊讓他更有效,但只要飲食中結合 heat and oil,例如吃印度咖哩,結合黑胡椒,就會把藥性突顯出來容易吸收。turmeric fudge 食譜。結合薑黃粉、黑胡椒或卡宴胡椒與椰子油、黑巧克力,降溫之後,變成很像 fudge 的質地。做成棒棒糖。
  • turmeric help with inflammation, help with supporting a healthy heart, immunomodulating effects.
  • 有些藥草適合 tincture 但價格可能就相對高,有些很適合磨粉,尤其是香料,價格降低且攜帶方便
  • ashwagandha, reishi, burdock, dandelion, licorice 都是常用的藥草但對不熟悉藥草的人仍算是少見。 肉桂、薑、薑黃、孜然粉打成粉後都還可以輕鬆運用。常見香料裡面 peppermint, ginger, cinnamon, garlic 加起來就很多元的療效,也很便宜,又好吃。身體嚐到香氣,身體也會記得那些香料帶來的好處。
  • 香料在身體內移動的速度也快速。
  • 香料融入 allopathic medicine 比較無痛,接受度比較高。
  • 香料帶來的香氣。滿足。飽足感。具有藥效,但沒有「吃藥」帶來的負面感受。
  • 很多人都有阿嬤料理運用香料的記憶,但大部分人不會把香料跟醫療聯想在一起。南亞、東南亞米飯裡面就加了香料。
  • Cinnamon urban spice compote 煮熟的糖漬水果, a type of sauce.stone fruits (核果) like apples, eaches, pears, plums.加入各種香料,這些水果對腸道很好,在裡面加入肉桂、薑、小荳蔻、幫助整腸住消化。例如吃抗生素一段時間的人,腸胃道不加,可以吃一些compote.
  • https://blog.mountainroseherbs.com/homemade-fruit-compote-with-herbs-and-spices
  • (題外話)我有買 Bevin Clare 的 Spice Apothecary 裡面有很多有趣的吃香料的食譜。

Bevin Clare
Herbalist, Nutritionist and Professor

Bevin Clare is professor at the Maryland University of Integrative Health and the program director of the MS in clinical herbal medicine program. She holds an MSc in infectious disease from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and has studied herbal medicine around the world, blending her knowledge of traditional uses of plants with modern science and contemporary healthcare strategies. She is the author of Spice Apothecary. Bevin enjoys interacting with her students online as she wanders the globe with her two kids. Bevin is the current chair of the board of the American Herbalists Guild where she works to promote clinical herbalism accessibility and professionalism. In the fall of 2021 she will launch the Ready to Roam program which helps individuals plan and realize culturally rich travel experiences. You can find her musings on Facebook and Instagram @spice.herb.wander.




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