聽講筆記 7 - Upvibes and Downvibes: Plant Medicine and the Balanced Nervous System

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之七

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。


主題:Upvibes and Downvibes: Plant Medicine and the Balanced Nervous System

主講:Katie Silcox
Nervous system resiliency, self-love attachment and universal belonging are required for a joyful life and true spiritual awakening. In this session, Katie Silcox will discuss how to deeply release and balance our nervous systems in a world that so often takes us into states of fight, flight or freeze through plant medicine and experiential, body-based practices.
In This Session You'll Discover:
  • An overview of nervous system basics including tonification of the all-important vagal nerve
  • Plant medicine from the Ayurvedic and western pharmacopeia that support releasing long-held nervous system patterns, increasing resiliency and tonifying the vagus
  • Embodied techniques to use in conjunction with herbal support for releasing unneeded fight, flight, or freeze - you will leave this course with at least 5 methods
  • 很好聽。沒有時間紀錄。講者是瑜珈與 ayuvedic 醫學的老師,講了不少情緒創傷與關照自己身體,釋放/喚醒副交感神經的方法。只有簡單記了幾個點
  • fight, flight, freeze and fawn:尤其是後面這兩個,freeze and fawn,憂鬱症,與自我貶低
  • 照顧別人的時候要記得照顧自己。下大雪的日子,你要送小孩出門之前,你會給小孩先吃點什麼?那你自己呢?很多媽媽會回答,熱熱暖暖的 oatmeal跟其他很暖心營養的食物,自己則是在送小孩上學的車上塞幾顆杏仁。
  • 遇到你覺得必須犧牲或改變自己才能與對方「匹配」的對象,請立刻往反方向離開。

Katie Silcox
Spiritual Educator and Bestselling Ayurveda Author

Katie Silcox, MA, is the New York Times bestselling author of Healthy Happy Sexy: Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women, which has been translated into multiple languages around the globe. Holding a master’s in Hinduism and the Ayurveda Sciences, Katie is an internationally recognized teacher, Ayurvedic educator, mentor to women, and inspirer of hearts and minds. She is renowned for her depth of study and her ability to present the complexities of ancient wisdom in a practical, life-affirming manner, as well as for her unique capacity to distill the teachings with “Southern belle” humor and grace.
Her signature teaching style includes somatic movement, restorative yoga, dance, sound, breath, emotion processing, manifestation technology, holistic biomechanics, and structural trauma-release methods. Lively, outspoken, and sassy, Katie has studied medicine with Tibetan amchis in Ladakh, whirled with Sufis in Goa, crunched numbers with M.I.T. stock market predictors in the south of Spain, seen visions with shamans in Morocco, and taught Fortune 500 CEOs how to heal their bodies in Mexico.
Katie was named one of San Francisco’s Best Yoga Teachers by Common Ground magazine, one of 70 Yogis Changing the World by Origin magazine, and one of 100 Trailblazers in Yoga and Ayurveda by Spirituality & Health magazine. Katie has written extensively on the topics of yoga, Ayurveda, sexuality, herbalism, and women’s health in such publications as Yoga Journal, Common Ground, and Origin.
Katie has sipped from the honey of many globally known teachers, including a decade-long guru-disciple initiation into the Himalayan lineage-based Sri Vidya Tantra. Today, she works solely with the inner guru of her own heart and is a dedicated student of spirituality.




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