聽講筆記 11 - Flower as Friends

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之十一 

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。 


主題:Flowers as Friends 
主講:Maryam Hasnaa At-Tauhidi 

Maryam Hasnaa teaches us how cultivating a relationship with plants and flowers can assist us with the personal growth of our mind, body, and spirit. Working with plant teachers and the flower kingdom as allies can strengthen our awareness and allow for greater support into the powerful healing that comes from Mother Earth. In This Session You'll Discover: Plant medicine is one of the most ancient ways to awaken the wisdom of the body that by cultivating a relationship with plant medicines, we begin to build our knowledge of the energetic signatures of herbs, as well as their physical qualities Moving with integrity and respect for the plants is an important aspect of this work 

  • 在身體外圍想像一圈植物做為疆界 HSP 的人不只是吸別人的能量,也會流失自己的能量。建立能量場的界線,not so much as keeping out, but how do i fill this field with me, myself. 
  • roses 
  • Golden yarrow
  • bleeding heart 
  • red clover 
  • 某日應朋友之邀出遊,停車停在 angel's trumpet 下方,收訊: we need to get better at dying. 
  • 不用大老遠去購買飄洋過海才能寄來的花精或藥草,找自己鄰近的植物,sit with it and receive, resonate. 

講者介紹 Maryam Hasnaa At-Tauhidi
Energy Worker, Healer, Flower Priestess Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Maryam Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. An initiated priestess, Epenergy worker, medicine woman and flower practitioner, she has found her calling in offering training and mentorship for those with the trait of high sensitivity. She is highly intuitive and a lover of all things that create a feeling of being connected to something bigger than ourselves. Maryam remembers being highly sensitive long before she truly realized this as a gift. Just like most highly sensitives, she has a heightened nervous system which picks up subtle layers of sensory information that many others do not. Maryam began to understand how to thrive in the world as a sensitive through developing radical self care, wellness and spiritual practices. She has been a consultant for years now, helping educate others on how to do the same. Her passion is curating experiences where people can train their nervous system to feel safe exploring sensing and feeling as a form of intelligence. Maryam uses her own highly sensitive gifts to remind other beings of the energetic nature of this universe. She has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. Maryam has synthesized ancient teachings along with cutting edge information to create a unique system of healing for those on the path of liberation. This is done in a way that will awaken wholeness and create deep transformation. Through shining her light so brightly her intention is that others will see themselves reflected and do the same.




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