聽講筆記 10 - Keeping House: Ancestral Home Centered Plant Wisdom

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之十

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。



主題:Keeping House: Ancestral Home Centered Plant Wisdom

主講:Mary Ayodele
In the context of African culture, "keeping house" refers to a dynamic relational approach to multiple lifeforms, including humans, spirits, and plants for the purpose of creating and sustaining good health for the whole person. In this session, Mary Ayodele will explore the way that plants are at the center of a healthy household for us and our Ancestors and how plants can help us to reclaim our Ancestral traditions.

In This Session You'll Discover:
What keeping house meant to our Ancestors and what it means now
The importance of flowers, spiritual healing, and emotional balance
Two simple steps to infuse home cooking and herbal medicine making with Ancestral wisdom

Keeping House 自我空間能量的維持/清理。「家管」的工作非常重要、spiritual, emotional, and physical 都很重要。不是只有做家事而已,而是維持家中這個安全的堡壘,大家回來都可以安心放鬆的神聖空間。
keeping house 也是維持自己內心的神聖空間,即使沒有固定的居家空間,也能夠在有限的資源內創造出安定的空間。預先察覺即將惡化的狀況,提前預防。運用植物來協助 housekeeping 的工作。
ancestral 的意思,回看至少到 1940,甚至1800-1920期間的非洲裔女性在「家」裡面扮演的角色。回頭看100年前就好,那個年代的女性在維持家的空間所運用的智慧與方法。late 1800s, early 1900s。
one big meal a week: 每天與植物的關係,日常可以看到植物,大餐時用植物(香草、香料)加入到料理中。
生病的時候就會用新鮮植物來做藥物,浸泡在油裡面 tallow牛油。用尤加利和其他 herbal mixture (一種類似薄荷的植物,還有 spanish moss)泡在牛油裡面,家中女性圍繞陪伴,確定患者逐漸恢復。現代醫學版的就是類似 vicks vapor rub。(尤其是這些女性很多人都經歷過 spanish flu,有人感冒胸腔不舒服,會被當成大事來處理。)
另一個非裔常用的植物 Bay leaf。有不同品種,在不同文化中都被運用。在gumbo裡面會加,pork chop裡面,在非裔文化裡面有豐足的靈性意義。bay leaf 要願意借出給有需求的鄰居,才具有靈性效益。聞到你家廚房香氣,表示你有廚藝,也願意分享。也可以放在門口踏墊底下,歡迎豐盛入門。也有sedative的功效。自己去實驗,如何與bay leaf 連結。
睡覺或處理個案,或任何日常生活,選用自然的纖維(亞麻、棉布),可以幫助 cycle through 行走人間吸收到的不想要的能量。
Bring flowers into your life. 支援情緒與精神。Learn the flower of your birth month. 把手機背景設成花朵圖片。native flower from your parents' country (if US immigrant). 買切花,或者買回來種花,都很好。
Make a kitchen garden. 只要三盆也沒問題,claim the space. live and work with the plants. 感謝植物照顧自己與家人。
charmed cake 帶著祝福心念烤一個蛋糕,邀請鄰居、朋友、社區,分享。而不是以herbalist 身份邀請大家來分享,討論 tinctures 如何治病。而是吃了蛋糕大家都很開心。把植物加到你的蛋糕裡面。例如 lavender icing,享受大家的幸福笑容。烤 muffin 也很好。preferably something you have to share.communal ane enchanting.

Victory gardens 社區花園,把社區空地改造成種植可以吃的植物,養雞、養蜂。小型社區,根植在社區裡面。covid 導致大家待在家裡,因此開始注意到自己的環境,開始種植物。it's best to prevent something than to cure it. Stay well rather than finding a cure. 期待這個運動可以開始往這個方向前進、stop owning the trauman, stop owning the ptsd,start releasing the pain. 往療癒的方向前進。
Share your cake.

Mary Ayodele
Prophetess & Community Herbalist
Mary Ayodele is a prophetess and a community herbalist. As foundress of the Institute of Africana Cosmology, she preserves and teaches Africana healing wisdom in conferences, classes, and consultations globally. Mary's training in plant-based healing began in her Grandma's garden as a little tot of about two or three years old and continued around the world as an initiate and scholar in West and Central African spiritual traditions.
Mary has presented Africana herbal workshops at Herbalismo, The International Herb Symposium, and the Moonflower Herb Fest. Mary is a featured contributor in the psychology textbook Root Psychology: A Diverse Assessment regarding the intersection of healing and gardening in the Africana diaspora and several other publications and radio shows.



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