聽講筆記 5 - Elucidating Energetics

he Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記 之五

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 
是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。

主題:Elucidating Energetics
主講:jim mcdonald

Energetics is the aspect of herbalism that allows us to treat the person, both the name of their condition, and provides the basis for all traditional forms of herbcraft. Join jim mcdonald in a conversation about western herbal energetics rooted in humoural medicine, Eclectic & Physiomedical traditions, and present day practice.
In This Session You'll Discover:
Discover what herbal energetics is
Learn how herbal energetics has been represented in different western herbal traditions
Energetics as a lived experience and not memorized concepts

  • 植物的 energetics(姑且翻為植物的能量屬性):乾、濕、冷、熱。行星屬性都是。
  • 什麼季節你會吃西瓜?鏟完雪進門冷到發抖的時候不會說,我很想來一片冷冷的西瓜。很熱的天氣大部分人多半不會說我想來碗熱湯。植物的能量其實是很具有邏輯性的。
  • 人有能量屬性,植物也有能量屬性。
  • 植物的屬性有時候認定上帶有主觀成分。大部分植物的冷熱很明顯,但是位在中間模糊地帶的植物,可能就有討論的空間。
  • 植物屬性的冷熱概念,跟實際物理上的「溫度」是不一樣的概念。而是攝取/食用這個植物(喝茶)之後,身體開始產生的反應,是讓身體這個「容器」產生熱/循環,或者是冷靜下來。
  • 植物的作用: heating, damping, sedating, relaxing. hot/cold. increase/decrease activities.
  • 身體的狀態:dryness. tension. Laxity.
  • 假設口腔肌肉很「鬆」,口水一直流出來,飲用 toning,astringent 的茶飲,把肌肉收緊,液體就流不出來。例如喝紅茶,紅茶具有「收斂」特質,有時喝完會覺得嘴巴「乾」。這是 astringent 藥草的「乾」 drying action。另外一種 drying 作用方式,則是造成你容易出汗,尿尿、便便(排泄)或流更多口水,之類的。
  • 如果個案在瘋狂出汗、尿尿的「乾」的狀態,通常直覺 dry 的狀態不會給予收斂的藥草,但是如果收斂藥草可幫助把毛孔收縮,各種排出的活動下降,那就會達到阻止變乾的效果,這時運用收斂藥草是對症的,身體的水分因為體表被收斂了,得以保留在體內。
  • 所以看到書上寫某個藥草 drying,要先瞭解是用什麼方法造成乾燥,是把表面收斂的乾燥(但液體得以保留),還是造成體液流失的乾。
  • Jim 只用(開藥給個案)自己用過的藥草,而且是用過不止一次。坐下來,用刀或杵臼慢慢切/搗碎,用感官去感覺、聞、吸收這些藥草的氣味與質地。確定自己真的認識這個植物。有些藥草不見得適合自己的體質,但仍要體驗過。也盡可能用居住環境/社區附近生長的植物。
  • 植物的 doctrine of signatures (以形補形)可參考,但不是絕對,要有其他論點輔助。multiple ways of knowing.
  • imaginative thinking + intellect +inspiration
  • 問診時要用個案可以理解的語言/症狀來研判。
  • dry tissue state: stiff, bent and won't come back. 肌肉束的緊,還是筋膜造成的緊,處理不同。如何解釋給個案/學生理解。
  • 不同的醫藥傳統看待同一藥草會有類似的看法,也會有細微不同之處。學習用藥草的人要在這裡面找到適合自己的方向,what makes sense for you.
  • The way your client responds to your remedy is part of the assessment.
  • Progression of energetics 療程當中能量狀態會改變,要隨著調整。
  • temperament (Greek system) 四體液系統與植物能量屬性之間的關係,每個人都有四體液的屬性,找出個案身體的這些特質分別展現在哪些地方(熱在哪裡,冷在哪裡,乾/濕在哪裡,鬆/缺彈性在哪裡?) 診斷個案的分享:表象診斷完之後有時會發現問題根源不是藥草可以處理的,因為處理的是全人,有時建議的處方可能是,幫個案建立社交活動的方向(之類的)。
  • 對藥草學的期許:希望不同學門/領域/觀點有更多互動與交流,幫助大家找到新觀點。
作者介紹:Jim mcdonald


In 1994, jim mcdonald's life changed when he drank tea from a wild plant he harvested from the land he lived upon. Since those first sips of strange tea, his life in the woods and meadows of Southeast Michigan has been centered on the plants & ecosystem of that land, and how he might share their virtues to restore wellness with those around him. jim's approach to herbcraft is deeply rooted in the land he lives upon, and blends traditional European folk influences with 19th century eclectic and physiomedical vitalism, which he conveys with story, experience, humour, common sense and lore to students, clients, random passersby and readers of his website. He's taught classes throughout North America and is currently alternately writing Foundational Herbcraft and A Great Lakes Herbal, in addition to articles for journals and other publications. jim is a community herbalist, a manic wildcrafter and medicine maker, and has been an ardent student of the most learned teachers of herbcraft… the plants themselves.



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