聽講筆記 - 3 Analgesia, the Search for Effective Pain Relief

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 演講聽課筆記

The Future of Plant Medicine Summit 是 9/27 - 10/2 為期五天的免費藥草學線上研討會,每天都有好幾場的線上演講/對談,可以自己找時間聆聽,連結如下。


主題:Analgesia, the Search for Effective Pain Relief - Botanical and Nutritional Protocols
主講:David Winston RH (AHG)

The search for effective, safe and non-addictive pain medication is an age-old quest. Studies show many people — especially women and BIPOC communities — are under-treated for chronic pain. While herbs are not as powerful as opiates and other pharmaceutical medications, they can in any case offer safer and often highly effective pain management. David Winston talks about how specific herbs and herbal formulas can relieve specific types of pain and create a synergistic effect to enhance pain relief.

In This Session You'll Discover:
Herbs are often less potent than pharmaceutical pain relievers, if used correctly for specific types of pain and in effective combinations, they can often be highly effective
You need to know the "nature" of the pain (sharp, stabbing, dull, throbbing, burning, etc) and the location of the pain to effectively use herbs How to combine analgesics, antinociceptives, anti-inflammatories, antispasmodics and circulatory stimulants to create effective synergistic combinations in herbal formulas

  • 哪裡痛?什麼身體部位?造成原因知道嗎?
  • 哪一種痛法?銳利、悶痛、陣陣的疼痛、持續的痛?
  • energetic 的問題,熱敷比較舒服嗎?冷敷比較舒服嗎?下雨天(潮濕)比較痛?
  • 知道這些之後,再來選藥。而不是聽到痛就 willow bark,大家都用白色 willow bark,其實是 willow bark 裡面藥效最低的,水楊酸含量比較低。
  • 止痛 vs. 消炎,有沒處理 underlying cause
  • 某些herbs變得受歡迎了,但不表示 herbal medicine也是。
  • herbal medicine is looking at the whole person.希波克拉底(據說)說過,it is more important to know the person who has a disease than the disease the person has.
  • 世界各大醫學傳統,都會用到藥草,也都是複方,因為人體是複雜的系統,單一的藥草單方是不足夠的。
  • looking at the person, not the ailment。問完症狀、部位,也要關懷個案的睡眠、飲食、情緒各方面的可能成因。
  • medical marijuana 講者與主持都不是很常用,但確實常用在疼痛處理上。CBD 緩解神經相關疼痛,藥用大麻緩解痙攣類疼痛。CBD oil 也是。參考中醫藥對的概念,1+1大於2,藥效比原藥相加更多。同一種藥/藥草的成分本身也有協同作用, herbal synergy。例,pure CBD doesn't work all that well, add trace amount THC and ?? (另一個大麻成分),不同萃取方式取得的大麻活性成分加在一起,協同作用更大。CBD與藥用大麻對不同個案療效差異很大,例如痙攣類疼痛很有效。目前大麻非常風行,但也許過一陣子就又不紅了。如果可以合法取得,且對你的疼痛有效很有用,那很好。
  • 加拿大 cannabis is legal, but CBD is not.
  • CBD與大麻一樣是只處理到表面問題,讓你覺得疼痛變得遙遠(例如),而非深層根本。
  • Kratom:另一個近來常被討論用來處理慢性長期疼痛的草藥,有效果但來源與品質待商榷,但目前療效/或無效(副作用),都是個案報告居多,實證不夠多,需要有臨床研究來支援。(don't want it banned, but love to see research, client studies)
  • 女性、少數族群、低社經地位族群裡面很多疼痛患者是 under treated,如何協助這些人更有效的處理那些疼痛,有辦法過日子
  • excess heat migraine 肝火(heat migraine) vs. deficency cold migraine
  • heat migraine:白芍+其他藥草,問看疼痛部位例如眼窩、頭側邊,頭頂、還是後腦杓,如果痛到後腦杓,就再加處理後腦occipital疼痛的??藥草(處理偏頭痛與cluster headache常用)。處理疼痛也要處理周邊相關問題例如睡眠,睡得好才不會肝火上升,使頭痛惡化。
  • 女性在週期來時容易偏頭痛,那就要順便看女性賀爾蒙相關的系統/調節用的藥草,例如運用 vitex
  • cold migraine,立刻會想到運用的是川芎,,然後從這裡開始建立出適合個案的配方
  • 初學者覺得 formulating 很難,要 allopathically 使用,如果有效,也不反對。但對初學者來說,可以這樣看,herbs are either food, medicine or poison。
    • 把藥草當成食物,找出薄荷、薑等很容易入菜的類型來運用。
    • 把藥草當藥用,例如黑升麻,golden seal這些明顯藥用植物,需要知道如何對症下藥,study之後再使用。
    • 把藥草當毒:明顯有毒的藥草,don't.
  • 初學者茶飲保健,盡可能去嘗試無妨。從那裡開始進階。
  • Be a great herbalist, not just good. keep learning. It may be daunting but it's exciting. After 52 years I am now comfortable calling myself an advanced beginner. it's endless. There's always more to know, more to learn. a good clinician, be open to the fact that everything you think you know is subject to change.
  • Q:Moving forward, 如何看待植物/藥草醫學?A: 1969年開始學習 herbalist,當時沒人知道這要幹嘛,一百年前的人在做的事情,沒人在做這個了。在沒有人在意這個學門的時候就開始, I have a dream,不要把藥草用對抗醫學的方式來用,黑升麻不是更年期藥,saw palmetto不是前列腺藥,聖約翰草不是抗憂鬱藥,不是說這些藥草不能處理這些症狀,而是只用單方用對抗式邏輯去「用藥」,你將會對療效感到失望。這些藥草都是 a piece of something greater。I have a dream. my dream is - 美國是資源大國,但 life expectancy 卻是比開發中國家還要落後,糖尿病卻排很前面,my dream is to see a time where everyone knows basic kitchen herbal medicine in their communities.the win-win situation is a strong herbalist/holistic practitioner working with a conventional health professional. knowing when to do what, giving what to patients at what time.
  • the foundations of health: healthy diet, adequate and good quality sleep, exercise, stress reduction technique, healthy lifestyle choices. herbs are a good tool for us to maintain that foundation.
  • basic home remedies 變成常識 >> 理想世界

David Winston RH (AHG)
RH (AHG), Clinical Herbalist and Ethnobotanist

David Winston, RH (AHG), is an herbalist and ethnobotanist with over 50 years' training encompassing Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western/eclectic medicine, and Southeastern herbal traditions. An internationally renowned lecturer, he frequently teaches at medical schools, symposia, and herb conferences. He has been in clinical practice for 45 years, and also consults with physicians, herbalists, and researchers throughout the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

David has authored or co-authored several books, including Saw Palmetto for Men & Women... Herbal Therapeutics... Specific Indications For Herbs & Herbal Formulas... Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief... Winston & Kuhn’s Herbal Therapy And Supplements: A Scientific And Traditional Approach... American Herbal Pharmacopoeia... and American Herbalism (a publication produced by the American Herbalists Guild.) In 2013, David was presented with the Natural Products Association (NPA) Clinician’s Award and awarded a fellowship by the Irish Register of Herbalists. In 2019, he was awarded a DSc degree from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

David is founder and director of the Herbal Therapeutics Research Library, dean of David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies, and president of Herbalist & Alchemist Inc., a manufacturer producing herbal products that blend the art and science of the world’s best herbal traditions. David is also a founding member of the American Herbalist Guild, a member of the American Botanical Council's Advisory Board, and a member of the AHPA Expert Advisory Council.




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