乾燥浸泡油的製作流程 Excerpt from Making Plant Medicine
暑假期間陪伴小孩的同時,在家上了幾個國外線上芳療課程,也抽空翻閱老師介紹的藥草書。七月的時候看了這本藥草與相關製劑的書,書名叫做 Making Plant
有興趣買這本書的人,可以到阿罵爽網站去購買,只有英文版,雖然我很愛實體書,但是為了減少碳足跡,也避免傷荷包,我是買Kindle 版本,現買現看省運費。
其次是關於文章中提到的 crockpot 慢燉鍋。我自己買了一個台灣製的,陶製內鍋,品質很好的慢燉鍋,但是溫度並無法控制在43
– 49℃ 之間,而是即使設定為「保溫」也會飆高到至少7-80度,不小心開成高溫,就會變成「油炸xx香草油」,所以台灣的慢燉鍋,跟國外的
crockpot 還是不太一樣的。我搜尋到可以定溫在這個範圍的,只有餵奶的媽媽用的溫奶瓶器,但是容量小些,請大家參酌運用。
Basic Formula for Dry Herb Infused Oils
1: 5 (dry herb weight in g:oil volume in ml)
1:5(乾燥藥草重量 單位為克 : 油容量 單位為毫升)
*以下香草台灣沒有那麼常見,內文不另翻譯,有興趣的朋友自己看原文喔!原則上就是 100g 的香草對上 500ml 的植物油。
Example 1: Arnica oil 山金車油
100g dried and coarsely ground arnica blossoms
500 ml olive oil
This oil is sometimes known as “arnicated oil.” It is an excellent penetrating anti-inflammatory for treating traumatic injuriessuch as bruises, sprains and torn ligaments. Arnica resolves stuck blood.
Example 2: Calendula oil 金盞花油
100g dried and coarsely ground calendula blossoms
500 ml olive oil
This oil is sometimes known as “calendulated oil.” It is a good antiseptic and healing agent for treating cuts, scrapes, chapped skin, diaper rash, eczema, and windburn.
Example 3: Comfrey root oil 聚合草(西洋紫草油)
100g dried and coarsely ground comfrey roots
500 ml olive oil
This oil is best used for speeding healing of broken bones, shallow wounds, scratches, diaper rash, abraded or windburned skin, etc.
Example 4: Goldenseal leaf oil 金印草葉
100g dried and coarsely ground goldenseal leaves, picked after the berries ripen
500 ml olive oil This oil is best used as an antibacterial for treating wounds, and is also healing to traumatized or infected mucous membranes.
General procedure for making dry herb infused oils:
1: 5 (dry herb weight in g:oil volume in ml)
1:5(乾燥藥草重量 單位為克 : 油容量 單位為毫升)
*以下香草台灣沒有那麼常見,內文不另翻譯,有興趣的朋友自己看原文喔!原則上就是 100g 的香草對上 500ml 的植物油。
Example 1: Arnica oil 山金車油
100g dried and coarsely ground arnica blossoms
500 ml olive oil
This oil is sometimes known as “arnicated oil.” It is an excellent penetrating anti-inflammatory for treating traumatic injuriessuch as bruises, sprains and torn ligaments. Arnica resolves stuck blood.
Example 2: Calendula oil 金盞花油
100g dried and coarsely ground calendula blossoms
500 ml olive oil
This oil is sometimes known as “calendulated oil.” It is a good antiseptic and healing agent for treating cuts, scrapes, chapped skin, diaper rash, eczema, and windburn.
Example 3: Comfrey root oil 聚合草(西洋紫草油)
100g dried and coarsely ground comfrey roots
500 ml olive oil
This oil is best used for speeding healing of broken bones, shallow wounds, scratches, diaper rash, abraded or windburned skin, etc.
Example 4: Goldenseal leaf oil 金印草葉
100g dried and coarsely ground goldenseal leaves, picked after the berries ripen
500 ml olive oil This oil is best used as an antibacterial for treating wounds, and is also healing to traumatized or infected mucous membranes.
General procedure for making dry herb infused oils:
1) Finely crush
the dried herb by rubbing it through a screen or grind it to a coarse powder.
2) Weigh the
herb and place it in the macerating vessel.
3) Measure the
oil and pour it over the dried herb. Stir thoroughly, until the herb is
completely incorporated into the oil.
4) Maintain the
digesting oil at a temperature of 110 ° to 120 ° F (43 ° to 49 ° C) for a
period of 2 weeks. The use of a crockpot is highly recommended, but other
sources of heat are acceptable. Keep dry herb infusions out of the direct
sunlight. Since there is no water in the herb, there is no danger of
fermentation in the process. The herb will have a tendency to settle into a gummy
clump at the bottom of the vessel, and extraction is vastly improved by
stirring several times per day.
將油維持在華氏 110 – 120 ℉(攝氏 43 – 49 ℃),浸泡2週。非常建議使用慢燉鍋,但其他熱源也是可以的。乾燥香草浸泡油不要接受陽光直曬。另外因為乾燥香草內沒有水分,不用擔心浸泡過程中會發酵。藥草粉末容易黏成一團沈澱在容器底部,每天固定攪動幾次,可以增加萃取率。
將油維持在華氏 110 – 120 ℉(攝氏 43 – 49 ℃),浸泡2週。非常建議使用慢燉鍋,但其他熱源也是可以的。乾燥香草浸泡油不要接受陽光直曬。另外因為乾燥香草內沒有水分,不用擔心浸泡過程中會發酵。藥草粉末容易黏成一團沈澱在容器底部,每天固定攪動幾次,可以增加萃取率。
5) Press the
oil. Using a tincture press is highly recommended, because unlike fresh herbs
that tend to repel the oil, the dry herb will have absorbed much oil during the
2- week digestion. The oil yields slowly from the herb; therefore, press at low
pressure to start and gradually increase the pressure as the herb gives up the
oil. Finish at high pressure.
把油壓出來。非常建議使用 tincture press (過濾酊劑的一種工具),因為不像新鮮藥草會排斥油脂,乾燥藥草則是會吸收油脂。因此,從低壓開始,慢慢增加壓力,把油從藥草裡面逼出來。以高壓結束萃油的過程。
把油壓出來。非常建議使用 tincture press (過濾酊劑的一種工具),因為不像新鮮藥草會排斥油脂,乾燥藥草則是會吸收油脂。因此,從低壓開始,慢慢增加壓力,把油從藥草裡面逼出來。以高壓結束萃油的過程。
6) Pour the
crude oil into a clean, dry jar. Put on the lid and allow the oil to stand
undisturbed overnight. A heavy sludge will settle out to the bottom of the jar.
The next morning, carefully decant the oil through several layers of
cheesecloth into another clean, dry jar, leaving the sludge behind in the
bottom of the settling jar.
7) Store the
finished herbal oil in a correctly labeled, tightly stoppered, amber glass
bottle in a cool place and out of the light. Properly made, dry herb infused
oils require the addition of no preservatives, and they have an expected shelf
life of at least 2 years.
摘自 Making Plant
- 因為事先用慢燉鍋煮過竹筍排骨湯,用溫度槍測量發現即使設定為保溫,也是會飆溫到80度,所以採取機動開開關關方式,將溫度控制在65以下(還是有不小心飆上去的時候,實在很難避免)。
- 因為擔心溫度飆昇,而且後來也證實溫度有超過,所以一開始的時候我就選擇比較耐高溫的椰子油來製作浸泡油。
- 這次的紫蘇是去年我的綠手指爸爸媽媽種植並且曬到完全乾燥的,一大把經過食物調理機打碎,全部進了這一鍋,可以說是精華中的精華。打成細碎片之後,過濾的時候粗梗就留在濾網上,底部全部都是紫蘇葉打成的粉末,味道非常香濃。
- 因為目標是入皂,所以我沒有用濾布過濾,皂裡面因此也有少許黑點點,就是粉末狀的紫蘇葉。
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